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Portrait Painting for LGBTQ+ people and allys. 

Sunday 11th November 2024 11am - 4pm


This Painting course designed and taught by Finn Yvo, they have been drawing weekly portraits of queer performers for the Thirst Trap Posters at the Iconic Queer Venue The Glory for the past few years and aswell as creating work for Fussy Party. They have also exhibited in Margate and London their work 'We Made Dens' a series of over 45 portrait paintings celebrating LGBTQ+ people in childhood. The course is for anyone who would like to learn how to paint portraits. You will paint your own portrait over the day on to a real canvas using high quality Acrylic paints. 


You will learn -

How to draw and map out your portrait ready for painting, with guidance on how to capture the character and likeness of the person you are painting. 


How to mix different colours and skin tones and how to layer and apply these creatively to your painting. 


We will look at lots of different portrait artists with a particular empasis on queer portrature. 


This is a space specifically for LGBTQ+ people and allays and is a relaxed and welcoming environment. Spaces are limited to 6 people per class.


@finnyvodraws studio in Hackney Central (address will be send to you when you make your booking) 

All Materials are provided. 

Portrait Painting Day Course - Sunday 10th Nov 11am - 4pm

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